Export controls and transparency: The EU’s strategy to reduce human rights abuses
The European Union is once again showing its commitment to privacy — this time for people outside of its borders. In 2021, the European Union…
Effectiveness Through Accountability: Two Presidential Drone Policies with Common Ground
With the advent of new technologies, such as armed drones, presidential administrations take different policy pathways toward employing them for the greater good. October 2020…
To Delphina, with love
Delphina would severely reprimand me with her notoriously sharp tongue for referring to her by her first name. My aunts and uncles call her Sadel.…
Sanford International Students Pen Letter to President Price
On Thursday, October 4, Sanford Women in Policy led a walkout to protest Brett Kavanuagh’s then nomination to the Supreme Court. The group encouraged students…
Opinion: India Using Internet Shutdowns to Suppress Unrest
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the Sanford…
Education and Violent Extremism in Africa: The Importance of Evidence-based Interventions for National Security
The international development sector, especially in the United States, is facing an uncertain future. Long considered to be both a virtuous endeavor and a crucial…
Trump’s “compassionate” budget to endanger millions threatened by famines
In response to widespread criticism of President Trump’s recent budget, Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney defended massive cuts to government programs, saying…
Countering Violent Extremism at Home: Treating Communities as Partners, Not Targets
A superior strategy for countering of violent extremism demands an overhaul of the Federal Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) approach. The US government can better mitigate…
The Other Election: Choosing Earth’s Governor
All five permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States) skipped the first World Humanitarian Summit in…